Alat Kesehatan


Alat Kesehatan


Tropocells® Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is an advanced innovative PRP preparation system designed for the easy extraction of pure, significant and highly effective PRP.

Tropocells® PRP system utilizes a patented separator gel technology to isolate the platelets while eliminating the undesirable components such as red blood cells and inflammatory white blood cells. Tropocells® PRP reflects the latest technology to accelerate the body’s natural ability to heal itself. Tropocells® PRP involves the patient’s blood being extracted and spun to obtain a concentrate of platelets which are injected into a damaged area of the body for the purpose of promoting and speeding natural tissue healing. Autologous PRP stops inflammation, reduces pain and helps the regeneration of bones, cartilage and muscle tissue. Using the Tropocells® PRP for orthopaedics, sports medicine, pain management and hard to heal wounds is extremely effective, whether alone or in combination with other methods of treatment and leads to a faster healing period after trauma and accelerated postoperative recovery.

Approved medical device by the European (CE) and USA (FDA) Regulatory Authorities (FDA clearance for orthopedic applications only).

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